B. H. Hardaway, M.F.H.

Table size bronze sculpture of man riding horse with five hounds

B. H. Hardaway, M.F.H.

This piece, who's complete title is Mr. B. H. Hardaway, M.F.H. on Rhythm with Denmark, Naylor, Nova, Dusty, and Daisy, is interesting for several reasons. First, it is a portrait not only of the Master, but of his horse and best hounds as well. Second, none of the subjects appear to be aware that they are being observed.

Medium & Dimension
Bronze sculpture
12 inches
Edition & Availability
Commissioned work
No longer available for purchase.
Image description Table-size realistic bronze sculpture of a master of foxhounds in hunting attire riding a walking horse, with five foxhounds. Four of the foxhounds are in motion with their noses to the ground, one is standing with its head up. An original sculpture by artist J. Clayton Bright